Innovation Passion led me here

Posted on by @paul4innovating

Having an innovating passion

So many multiple strands constantly need to be pulled together to build a complete innovation picture.

We need to build theories, explore multiple connections, and build continuously on the patterns, the signals, and the interactions by extracting from all the different ‘cells’ of knowledge we all possess, which makes the application of innovation often highly unique to each of us.

Innovation ‘speaks to us all in different ways and has multiple meanings.

Then, when we grasp what we understand, we have to translate these thoughts into practical, workable solutions. By sharing, you learn and continue to build on this knowledge. You actually blend your own creation and learn from others, and that combination effect curates even greater knowledge and application.

To build a comprehensive view of any innovation built in a digital world needs is bringing together multiple strands of understanding, and that is tough, demanding and time-consuming.

Innovation needs to speak to us.

Innovation speaks to us in different ways and has multiple meanings, but it is the best pathway to any transition needed.

We can jump in and learn from experiments and straightforward learning, burning up our precious time and resource. Or, we can step back just a little and try to absorb an understanding of innovation that builds our capability, capacity, and competence to innovate.

I have always needed to share my journey.

I want to share my journey, its different experiences, and understanding points. From these “collective” thoughts, you might gain additional insight or understanding.

I hope what I write and offer in thoughts helps ” connect innovation ” to make it powerful. Innovation impacts new thinking, ideas, concepts, and ways to present something new.

The strands that give me my personal energy and passion lie in work around agility, energy, and digital transformations, the work-still-to-be-done, often termed the future of work, the need for us to promote more dynamic environments and the constant desire that organizations and their people have to be fit for purpose.

I like to think of myself as an innovation journeyman.

I simply enjoy innovation in all its forms. I got ‘hooked’ twenty-plus years ago and since then have increasingly focused on innovation until it is the dominating force within my business thinking.

Today, the need to be highly adaptive and fluid in such highly challenging and confusing times. It is not just seizing the day; it is spotting and seizing, exploring and exploiting opportunities and recognizing the need for constant renewal.

The fear of the unknown

This fear of the unknown and constant blocker of “not been tested in our environment” has significantly inhibited innovation adoption over the years. Equally, the nature of much of production has been designed “on the fly”, and the equally demanding job of connecting the whole process up in a new integrated, fully connected system meets enormous resistance.

Legacy systems plague the ability to break out of our present traps of silos. We are still struggling to solve these issues, machine by machine, process by process, incompatible software and hardware, piece by piece.

We have to care increasingly about Sustainability in all our innovative work.

Then, when we grasp what we think, we have to translate these thoughts into practical, workable solutions. By sharing, you learn and continue to build on this knowledge. You actually blend your own creation and learn from others, and that combination effect curates for greater knowledge and application.

No magic bullets in innovation work

There is no one “magic” reference point,  simply one book to refer to, or certainly one visual that solves our needs.

We need to go on our personal innovation journey, one that is not constantly looking back in the rear-view mirror but taking a future forecasting approach. One that projects out in new, exciting, and different ways.

We need to be open and seek out and build our personal networks and relationships to support but equally gain from any interactions.

A journey that generates projects out of new, exciting, and different ways of discovery. We need to be open and seek out and build our personal networks and relationships to support but equally gain from any interactions.

My personal energy is drawn from all the challenges we face, looking to help find solutions.

The strands that give me my personal energy and passion lie in work around agility, how innovation fits, relating this to the energy, and digital transformations, or the work-still-to-be-done, often termed the future of work.

We need to promote more dynamic environments and the constant desire that organizations and their people have to be fit for purpose, adaptive and fluid in such highly challenging and confusing times.

I suggested in this post that If you don’t have time, how can you learn?

It is all about the translation points in innovation guidance and finding the time to engage with the external catalyst of innovation understanding. That is my place. It can potentially offer an exponential return to you, your team and your organization’s innovation activity if you have the desire to build your innovation capabilities.


It is not just seizing the day; it is spotting and sizing up concepts, exploring and exploiting opportunities and recognizing the need for constant renewal.

We all must appreciate a valuable pathway to building a more sustainable future by putting technology to a good purpose. It is innovation and the people involved that enable that.

My passion, desire and hope are that I can contribute and provide others with fresh insights and some great value from these collective thoughts. The passion still burns as innovation offers us the pathway to a new future.
