An opening CSF for innovation

IFD Smart Goals

A brief overview of critical success factors for innovation to check against.

  • The organization: structure of innovation processes to be explicit by treating innovation as a systematic process and continued ongoing process
  • Keep innovation separate from daily work routine, remove barriers, give accoutability
  • Set ambitious goals and a vision and combine these with small attainable steps
  • Focus on results, doing things for clear results, satisfying evaluation criteria
  • Learn from the innovation process for courage, acknowledge mistakes, continuous
  • Create a climate for creativity- trust, openness
  • Foster values that enhance innovation- core ideology, values, diversity
  • Break patterns, abandon accepeted truths and historical myths, contrarian thinking
  • Motivate personnel- good ideas, risks and achievements rewarded and recognised
  • Make people central to it all- the real power of innovation
  • Communicate about innovation- positive signals, setting example, commitment, faith.
  • Involve the top directly- word and deed, setting the example, protective shield
  • Search for and make use of opportunities- systematic inside and outside
  • Be customer-orientated- use as a source, the ‘burning platform’
  • The use and involvement of multiple stakeholders- open and flowing
  • Define the context, the clarity and prespective of the problem faced
  • Search to obtain the experience with the subject on hand
  • Pursue a range of paths and solutions
  • Evaluate problems, trigger ideas and access success
  • Commit sufficient resources, time and space.