A beta version of a Collaborative Innovation Framework

Jeffrey Phillips of Ovo and Innovate on Purpose fame, based in the US and viewed on http://www.innovateonpurpose.com , and I have combined to share a view of an innovation framework that aims to reduce many of innovations mysteries.

We describe and prescribe to a set of innovation methods that we believe can greatly simplify the innovation process. Here we lay out the beta version of a collaborative innovation framework.

Jeffrey has commented on his blog http://bit.ly/eBGKS5, “We believe that framework can help reduce the mystery and develop a “standard” for innovation which enables more firms to innovate and accelerates the adoption of innovation.  This is not to say that the model we are developing will be a “cure-all” for every situation. 

Any firm starting an innovation effort will need to adopt the model, and then adapt it to its needs.  But by exposing the model and examining the different innovation “types” (business model innovation, open innovation, design-led innovation, service/experience innovation, etc) we can establish the validity of the approach and demonstrate that the model is a starting point for any kind of innovation effort.”

Over the next few days, we are unveiling the approach at InnovationManagement.se , with the article opening this discussion at:  http://bit.ly/ee8ID7 and also at InnovationTools.com coming out later in the week.

Our goal is to encourage everyone to comment on the model we’ve developed, and add to it.  We encourage you to join us to develop a common reference framework that everyone can use or adapt to their needs when they start innovating.

To that end we’ve developed a wiki, entitled the Collaborative Innovation Reference Framework, which will allow anyone who is interested to participate in the development and extension of the innovation model we are proposing.  Please visit the site and let us know if you’d like to join us in developing or extending the model, or would simply like to be part of the community.

The three models we propose start from the most abstract viewpoint and quickly dive into specific details.  We have developed three key presentations which unveil the approach, and they must be viewed in a specific order we believe.

These can be also viewed at Slideshare:

As I have outlined our goal in providing these opening thoughts is an innovation model that others can adopt or adapt openly.

We would want to encourage, discuss and openly collaborate around these suggestions so please help us create a transparent, collaborative reference framework that removes some of the mystique from innovation, so more firms can innovate more quickly and with greater confidence.
